Thursday, February 18, 2010

Let's evolve at level...?

So after doing my health hw, which was about emotions, depression, + suicide, I realized I've been in a depression...for about a month. :O
I wasn't really aware of it. I don't think anyone else noticed either. ._.
But everyday after school, I would feel very irritable and bitch at Julia. D:
Poor kid.
I think I'm okay now, though. :D

So I finished most of my hw....I guess.

I still have english essay to do. T_T
And 2 projects. Health and Global.
I guess I could do health in a day.
But I hate global. D: hatehatehatehatehatehatehate. stupid current events. I have to waste 10 bucks on the new york times T_T

I came to a conclusion that my vacations kinda suck. there's always hw/projects to do. :I

I've been Guilun and SHINee deprived lately. :x
I'm still waiting for Hello Baby's enlgish subs and I wanna watch strong heart.
But of course, I'm too busy doing hw. ):

I got fatter over vacation. wth.

Monday, February 15, 2010

A feeling of emptiness.

I haven't started any of my hw yet.
But I shall make myself start....soon!........ :D

I haven't seen Connie in ages! ):

I made a formspring, but it seems.....boring. :x

I haven't been on aim in a longggg while.
actually...HALF the time I AM on aim.....just invisible. ._.
cuz...I'm not in the mood to talk to people these days. D:

I think I'm turning more and more pessimistic.
Half the time I feel dead at school.
I don't know if it's because of boredom or lack of energy.
I feel like an old woman growing tired of old age. T_T
It's like a whole 180 degree turn compared to freshman year.
REMEMBER WHEN I USED TO BE REALLY ENERGETIC? I often wonder what the hell happened to all that energy. D:

My grades aren't doing so well. D:
I don't pay attention in chem anymore, even though Ms.Hall changed our seats and i sit in the front again...I keep zoning out. D:
I already failed a global pop quiz........and that adds on to how much i suck at global already.
english is so boring now, since i have a new student teacher. plus, this one gives wayyy more hw. D:< I DON'T LIKE HER. AT ALL. D:<
Tanzman has been absent for a couple of days. we're basically just practicing drawing iso and shading.

I went to see my guidance cousnelor for the first time last week. (because Vionna went to see hers. >< )
I asked my guidance counselor about majors, and she was no help at all. -_-
she asked me what my best subject was, and i said chinese.....
then she asked me what my next best subject was, and i said chem.
then she told me to go onliine and search "career inventory".......-_-
and THEN she wanted me to sign up for nhs. D:
but i have ZERO hours...... T_T

so i'm still clueless as to what major i want to be in. D:

I like Parizman's idea of a happy box.
i just need shtuff to put in it now.....

The few bright sides?:
-This is the first year that i get to keep SOME of my chinese new year money! :D
although i only got to keep $120, it's better than getting to keep nothing. :D (but i have this feeling that my mom's going to take it away from me later....D: )

-I'm doing better in trig! :D (even though i screwed up the 2nd test already)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Dear Adam,

Not the tallest individual
but definitely one of the brightest
so maybe not everything goes his way
but his goals are always there to stay

Even if it's been a decade and three quarters
that he hasnt been in sight
but a simple hello
brings a chain of a million other words

He doesn't dwell in just one globe
but travels to many others
communnicates with an empathetic mind
that absorbs support from all his friends

A kid in a normal home today
that had lesser brain cells yesterday
whose future looks forever bright
with nothing dark in sight

A friendly human being
with alien traits of intelligence
perhaps he'll rule the world someday
as the first "part-asian" mini Einstein.

-Sorry for procrastinating,
[ and thanks for being a friend. :D ]