Friday, April 16, 2010

pet peeves.

Today's a sad sad day.

I'm too mean, I'm too nice.
clearly there's something wrong with me.

I hate how, when it comes to people I have known for more than 3 yrs, and i know them so well, it's hard for me to tell them what irritates me.
Let's say, they're doing something thts annoying me, but i wouldnt have the heart to tell them to stop doing it....because i'd feel like an ASSHOLE.
I understand caring is part of being a good friend...but it gets really annoying when people DEMAND me to tell them whats wrong...just cause I'm not smiling, or I'm not talking.
you know, it's human to NOT smile, and I can be quiet when i feel like it. DOES IT MEAN I'M SAD? no....... -_-
And if you were close to me, I'd tell you what's wrong. you dont have to force it out of me.

And to finish my rant of pet peeves, I don't like it when people cling on to me. LITERALLY. once in a while is okay..... BUT I DONT FEEL LIKE LINKING ARMS WITH SOMEONE EVERYDAY AND BEING DRAGGED AROUND LIKE A DOG.

A sad day brings sad thoughts. i kinda got teary eyed when i got home today. my mom asked me what was wrong, and i told her tht i was sad.
she was REALLY surprised. she's like how could school make you sad?.....
so then i decided not to tell her what was wrong, cuz i figured, she wouldnt understand. DO I REALLY SEEM LIKE A PERSON WHO'S UNCAPABLE OF BEING SAD? :/
she kept trying to guess what was wrong, and asked me if i got into a fight with someone. NO.

i wanted to finish weekend hw today, but my emotions got in the way.
i shall now try to draw with my crappy drawings skills. to vent out feelings.....

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Somehow it's thanks to you.

I'm learning.
here at fifteen,
I'm understanding
more about humans.

Most of these things,
the rest of the world
would have learned a whole decade ago.
I'm far, far too late.

Having to decide whether to;
fight myself or accept myself,
ignore strangers or open up to them,
to love or to hate.

i used to think
that certain views were ridiculous
because i was hidden under rocks,
and tons of darkening thoughts.

Having seen part of another's world,
through part of another's eyes,
I'm corrected in amazaement.

Yes, this world is definitely...
and a pile of nonsense.

But what every human has to go through,
is life.
and in life,
there are good things to look for.

The ties of friendship,
The warmth of meeting new people,
The amazing things one can learn from these people.

For once, I didn't write a poem because I was sad. :D

Springbreak is over, and it wont be another month and a half till we get some rest again.

This week i had surprisingly very little hw. :O
It makes me paranoid because it probably means that I'll have A LOT of hw next week

Sunday, April 4, 2010

It's April, Dear.

April fools was no fun this year,cuz i forgot it was april.... ;x
today's my first day at rest since spring break started.
i've been running around places with everyone. :) funnnnnn~ :3

Surprisingly, i actually did start my hw a bit early this spring break. :D
i'm being a responsible little kiddie~ HEHEHEHEHE

...except i saved my projects for last, so I shall start my 3 projects today T_______T


Majors results are getting closer ~

btw; i made a tumblr......