Thursday, February 18, 2010

Let's evolve at level...?

So after doing my health hw, which was about emotions, depression, + suicide, I realized I've been in a depression...for about a month. :O
I wasn't really aware of it. I don't think anyone else noticed either. ._.
But everyday after school, I would feel very irritable and bitch at Julia. D:
Poor kid.
I think I'm okay now, though. :D

So I finished most of my hw....I guess.

I still have english essay to do. T_T
And 2 projects. Health and Global.
I guess I could do health in a day.
But I hate global. D: hatehatehatehatehatehatehate. stupid current events. I have to waste 10 bucks on the new york times T_T

I came to a conclusion that my vacations kinda suck. there's always hw/projects to do. :I

I've been Guilun and SHINee deprived lately. :x
I'm still waiting for Hello Baby's enlgish subs and I wanna watch strong heart.
But of course, I'm too busy doing hw. ):

I got fatter over vacation. wth.


Luminous Fish said...



Connie said...

Lunar New Years fattens you. You will become strong like the tiger!... or fat like a pig. Your pick.