At Annie's place(on Thursday), when we finished making our ice cream, we were watching this reality show that had SHINee in it and the episode of YLBFB with Super Junior-M in it.
( Her sister was watching the 2nd episode of You're Beautiful, and that's what inspired me to start/finish watching the drama over the course of 2.5 days.)
-I started watching it when I got home on Thursday and finished watching it in the afternoon today! :D
Anyway, when i got home that day, i finished watching the last parts of the episode of YLBFB with SJ-M in it. I liked their personalities, and it got me interested in popular korean groups that most teenagers today are crazy over. (boy bands like SJ, SHINee, 2PM, and such...)
I was never really interested in korean groups, although i would occasionally listen to some of the popular songs that everyone seems to know. But i was never a major fan, neither was i particularly interested in them.
But today, after finishing You're Beautiful, i started watching MusicVideos of SJ, 2PM, and SHINee, and i watched their dance moves and actually listened to their songs......
What did I notice?
The guys in all the bands seem to look alike. As in , they generally seem to have the same hairstyle, and they're all pretty/cute/hot.
I'm starting to have an interest in them.
But it kinda makes me sad. THERE ARE SO MANY OF THESE NEW KOREAN BOY BANDS POPPING OUT OF NOWHERE SO FAST. ...and they're all competing for popularity. competing with their looks and talents. Competing over the number of fans they have. Competing over who becomes the best. And it makes me think....They all probably work really hard. They all want to be liked. So what makes crazy fangirls become loyal to one group and...why not ALL of them? what makes them like this one group and not the others? don't you ever wonder what everything looks like through the eyes of famous people?
When i was little, the first thing I thought of being when growing up was to become a teacher (i think everyone has had that phase before) But the next thing i REALLY wanted to be, was a singer/actor. I really, really did. But because of financial issues, I couldnt really take classes for anything....and i was jealous of all those other little kids, taking dance classes, singing lessons, learning how to play instruments.
I remember this one was a new year's party at my cousin's house. She has a piano, and knows how to play it pretty well. She played a song, and everyone praised her for it. My other cousins that were there, they knew how to play too. They all took turns playing a song. Every one of my girl cousins there played a song. Except me. At the time, I really wanted to go somewhere and hide. I was jealous i couldn;t play. Heartbroken that I was the only one wo didn't know how to play. My mom asked if I wanted to learn. I said no, I dont care about those things. Why? because i knew that even if i had said yes, she couldnt do anything about. i know it's not her fault, that she cant afford to let me take lessons for anything.
So from that day on, I kinda just gave up on the idea of wanting to become a singer/actor.......
The entertainment world. I think it's a pressuring and scary place. You can't do anything wrong, because there's always fans watching, reporters stalking, and people waiting for a chance to take you down. There;s the pressure of needing to be perfect, or seemingly perfect. To live up to the expectations of adoring fans.
It's scary. Everyone;s out there. Fighting to become known. To become part of the best.
It's scary. with millions of eyes watching you. watching your every move.
criticized for every wrong action.
run over by crazy fans for every breathtaking smile.
But it still seems nice, doesn't it? To be famous.......