Thursday, December 3, 2009

"Happiness is a feeling."

Thanks for all the birthday wishes and presents. :)

Birthday was okay. It didn't suck, and as a whole, i was happy. :D

the only one thing that really ticked me off yesterday was the cake.
my dad bought it for me, and it tasted horrbile. -_- this is why i hate my dad, and there are many more reasons why. he can't do anything right, yet he thinks he's a genius. -_-
i mean, he couldn't be like a regular person and buy the asian fruit cakes that most people eat on their birthday?

somehow i think he bought the cake for himself. -_- in the cake, there was like a kind of stuffing inside, that he KNOWS i dont like to eat, and then there was the frosting. EW. D: the cake was basically too "white" for me. :/
he kept saying, it'll taste good, eat it!

i ended up not having any of the cake.

ANYWAY, every other part of the day was generally positive, so all's good. :D

i don't seem to remember the details of yesterday, so i'll spend the rest of the blog saying..........

Ruole, for the colorful star earrings :)
Alyssa, for the cell phone charm, and the balloon :D
Diana, for the sexy star bracelet :3
Vionna, for the coin purse-ish thing and the balloon :)
Xinru, for the warm hat :D
Molly, for those giant pocky xD
Rebecca, for saying a billion "Happy Birthday" 's :D
Ruole's mom, for the cute pink earrings and hair clip :]

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